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Tibetan terrier (200)

Tibetan terrier (class id 200) has 2 important concepts. The full class name is Tibetan terrier, chrysanthemum dog.

Strategic cluster graph

This graph displays the points classified as 'Tibetan terrier' projected in 2D (using T-SNE) based on the importance of their concepts. Therefore, two points are close if they have been classified for the same concepts. The color of each point (image) is determined by the 'most important' concept. Thus, points with the same color share the same 'most important' concept.

Please refer to the following section for visualizations of the concepts.

Concepts visualization

Below, you'll find a visualization of the class concepts. Simply Click on a concept to see natural images that strongly activate that specific concept. The important concepts are highlighted in color and are the ones that are the most important for at least 10 points (images).

Concept alignment with classes
Concept 7
Concept 1
Concept 6
Concept 8
Concept 0
Concept 3
Concept 2
Concept 4
Concept 9
Concept 5

Similar concepts

We have found 9 similar concepts between the class Tibetan terrier and other classes.

Here are those concepts: